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Kudlow: New Momentum in Trade Talks with China
Larry Kudlow: There's a lot of momentum for a US-China trade deal
Kudlow Downplays Rift in U.S. Trade Delegation
Larry Kudlow on the state of the economy, trade and more
Kudlow on China trade: 'May be a little thaw'
There is a chance for 'win-win' outcomes in China trade talks: Expert
WHouse advisor: New momentum in trade talks with China
Kudlow: 'Furthest' China has gone on trade deal
Kudlow: 'Things Look Better' on NAFTA, EU Talks
NEC's Kudlow on U.S. June Jobs Report, Fed Rates, Trade Deal
Watch CNBC's full interview with NEC director Larry Kudlow
Larry Kudlow: USMCA could generate $100B per year in added GDP